Stewart's Index or Tillet Porter family main INDEX
My guess is that on his mother's side, James Tillet Porter was related to the Cherokee Indians of Cherokee County, South Carolina, and that on his father's side James Tillet Porter was related to the Aryan (Germanic Anglo-Saxon) Porter family which descended from Edward Porter, who was born in England in 1630.
Although northern European colonists have interbred with other races less frequently than have southern European colonists, miscegenation inevitably occurs wherever two or more races inhabit the same territory, so almost all the descendants of the early population of South Carolina, whether Negro or Aryan, have some Indian ancestry.
Could our Cherokee and Aryan, etc. ancestors have better preserved their unique cultural, linguistic, genetic and other precious and perhaps vital qualities by avoiding miscegenation? How can this be done without an exclusive territorial homeland?
By repeatedly fleeing westwards, the Cherokee ethnic nation attempted to defend itself and escape from the savage invasion of better-armed Judeo-Christian aliens, often incited, motivated, and perverted by a fanatically genocidal superstition that claims a "great and terrible" god chose Hebrews (and Christians "by adoption") "to be his special people, above all other nations" (racial supremacy?), and that God had ordered Hebrews to dispossess and exterminate "everything that breathes" (Deuteronomy 7) in the homelands of other nations (not the image Judeo-Christian preachers hawk today?).
No ADULT at the Porter family reunion who was genetically related to me seemed to have any Mongoloid or Negro blood.
Negro ancestry is more apparent than Mongoloid ancestry because there is over twice as much genetic distance between Aryans and Negroes as there is between Aryans and Mongoloids (Navajo Indians and Japanese, etc). Mitrochondrial DNA and other genetic evidence indicates that north Africans (the race that populated the rest of the world) diverged from the Negro, Pygmy, Hottentot, and other sub-saharan African races about 150,000 years ago.
Were the Cherokee and other Indian nations of the southeastern USA Mongoloid? The Cherokee and Catawba Indians I have known and seen in old photographs and other images have never looked Mongoloid to me. Nor did the nearest descendants of James Tillet Porter, in the family photographs shown to me at the family reunion. They were built more like Aryans than Mongoloid Indians. They looked tall and slim, without the evolutionary adaptations to cold climates (barrel-like chests and short members, etc.) which are typical of Mongoloids, CroMagnons, Neanderthals, etc. Although they appeared to be dark skinned (a genetic trait that has probably evolved in all races that inhabited dark forests for many millennia, for camouflage), they had the well-proportioned facial features like Aryans. One might mistake them for the dark-skinned Aryan and Dravidian races of India.
Could James Tillet Porter's Indian ancestors have been "Caucasoid" (Caucasoid is a misnomer)? Haven't our schools taught us that American Indians are Mongoloid?
For politcal reasons the aliens who rule America (read ) have obstructed more detailed research by the scientists who recently discovered the remains of a murdered "Caucasoid" who lived on the west coast of America 9,000 years ago. So has the government of China, where scientists discovered perfectly preserved 4,000 year old thoroughly-Aryan mummies, some with swastika tatoos, etc., in the cold and dry mountains of the Xhingzang province of western China (watch "The Mysterious Mummies of China" documentary if it is re-aired on Educational Television).
Based on imprecisely targetted genetic sampling, geneticists now estimate that American Indians are nearly as closely related to Europeans as they are to Mongoloids. Might the truth be that some American Indians have no Mongoloid ancestors, and some have no "Caucasoid" ancestors?
After living at least 9,000 years on the same continent, how much Mongoloid blood did Cherokees acquire? Possibly none, from the looks of these photographs of prominent Cherokee chiefs, etc., many of which were made before miscegenation became so widespread.
Since Mongoloid Indians invaded America via the Bering Strait, "Caucasoid" Indians living in the south eastern part of North America would have been the most distant and sheltered from Mongoloid genocide and miscegenation.
The Hamitc branch of the "white" race, the last of the major races to leave Africa before Columbus discovered America, left the African Sahel region of the Sahara about 20,000 years ago, during the peak of the last Ice Age. Every 20,000 to 30,000 years, orbital, etc. cycles caused the earth to cool, which reduced rainfall in the Sahara. Reduced food and water sources forced the excess Saharan population to leave Africa every 20,000 to 30,000 years therefore. The CroMagnon branch of the "white" race (Basques, Semites, Caucasians, etc.) left the Sahara region about 40,000 years ago; the Mongoloid race left from 60,000 to 70,000 years ago; and the Australoid, etc. race left a little over 100,000 years ago. Since all the above races separated from the same Saharan population, their genetic distance from Aryan Hamites is the same as the period of time which has lapsed since they left Africa. 150,000 years ago the common ancestors of the above races left Africa's protective equatorial rain forests to hunt the abundant game in the then humid Sahara area, which is why there is 150,000 years of genetic distance between them and sub-Saharan races (Negro, Pygmy, Hottentot, and Bushman, etc.). The Neanderthal race probably left Africa about 300,000 years ago.
According to my own heretical reckoning, the races which left Africa before the peak of the last Ice Age populated all the habitable regions of the entire Eurasian continent before the ancestors of Aryans left the Sahel 20,000 years ago.
The American continent was joined to Eurasia by a land bridge only during the coldest parts of the last Ice Age, so was either unavailable or unneeded by the ancestors of the races which left Africa before the Hamitic race.
When the Hamitic branch of the Saharan race left Africa:
so at the peak of the last Ice Age, America was the only accessible place where abundant and relatively unpopulated lush forests were still available for human settlement.
Could uncivilized hunter-gatheror Hamites, whose ancestors had for about 130,000 years evolved to survive and travel throughout the Sahara (which has often been one of earth's most desolate and dangerous environments) have easily searched for a homeland as far away as America, without the modern Aryan technology?
Why not, if Asia and America were not totally separated by an ocean? Millennia before they left Africa, Hamites had bows, projectile points and other sophisicated stone tools necessary to harvest game like that which still exists in Alaska.
Why do Navajo and other Indian nations look like Japanese?
Over 11,000 years ago, large bands of fierce mastadon, etc. hunting Mongoloids armed with long spears crossed the Bering Strait land bridge and began to exterminate and displace the thinly scattered America "Caucasoid" Indians.
How did verbal speech divide our ancestors and thereby begin our evolution into different races?
I estimate that verbal speech began about 150,000 years ago. By facilitating the coordination our ancestors needed to hunt and occupy the grasslands beyond the equatorial forests which had protected previous generations from grassland predators, verbal speech created the first division between every human race which now exists.
The less intelligent or mute part of their population remained in the Equatorial forests, and became the race which honest but persistently media-derided scientists claim has an average academic IQ of 85, even after it has been heavily mongrelized (nature judges a races' "superiority" only by its ability to reproduce itself).
What is "genetic distance"?
Semites and the other CroMagnon races emigrated from north Africa to southern Europe, etc.about 40,000 years ago, so forty thousand years is the "genetic distance" that now separates CroMagnon "Whites" from northern European Aryans (Indo-Hitttes), Berbers, Dravidians, and "Caucasoid" Indians, etc., according to my theories, which are partly based on recent genetic research.
After Cromagnon Semite and southern European "Whites" settled in Europe, they had no need to search further East for a homeland. The cold and glaciers of the last Ice Age, which peaked about 20,000 years ago; drove CroMagnons into southern Europe.
The genetic distance between Mongoloids and Aryans is about 70,000 years because the ancestors of Mongloids left north Africa's savannahs about 70,000 years ago. They had no need to search for a homeland further east,.since they settled in the choice and lush forests of eastern Asia. The ancestors of Australoids, etc. who had settled there over 100,000 years ago were not numerous enough to resist invasion, dispossession and extermination by the ancestors of Mongoloids, so were pushed into the fringes of eastern Asia and islands (Australia. etc).
How much genetic distance separated James Tillet Porter's Indian and non-Indian ancestors?
I estimate the genetic distance that existed between Tillet Porter's Indian nation and Aryans as being about the same genetic distance as exists between Aryans and the blue-eyed Berbers of North Africa and the Dravidians of India, which is only about 20,000 years, or half the genetic distance that exists between Aryan and all pre-Aryan European races (like the Basques), and between Aryans and Semites (non-Aryan Middle Eastern "Whites"). If miscegenation continues to destroy the genotypes, etc.of Indians and the other ethnic nations of the world, scienists may never be able to certify such theories
Why did North Africans populate other continents?
Atmospheric conditions during the last one hundred thousand years increasingly made most of north Africa too dry for human habitation, especially during the colder phases of Ice Ages, when less evaporation produces less global rainfall and causes the starvation which forces emigration across the Sinai penninsula, the only land route out of Africa.
Emigration from the Sahel south into the humid, lush and equatorial forests which were the homeland of the ancestors of all humanity has nearly always been blocked by dense populations of Negroes, who regularly burst into genocidal frenzies (have the virulently racist Hebrew owners of most of our mass media been too focused on villifying Aryans to notice?), like those which have exterminated nearly all the non-Negro populations in sub-Saharan Africa over the last few millennia, those which exterminated all non-Negroes in Haiti over a century ago, those of the Negroes of Senegal and Mauretania to exterminate the Hamitic race which has lived in the Sahel for about 150,000 years, and those of Huttu Negroes who have been trying to exterminate the less Negroid Watusi of Burundi and Ruanda.
What caused the ancestors of Aryans (who are referred to as Indo-Hittites and Indo-Europeans by scientists, and who are known as HAMITES [Hittites, etc.] in the Bible) to leave Africa?
My theory is that 20,000 years ago, which was the coldest part of the last 100,000 year long Ice Age, the reduced evaporation and rainfall caused by a colder atmosphere forced emigration out of places with marginal rainfall, like the Sahel region of the Sahara desert, which is STILL inhabited by our distant blue-eyed Berber cousins
Barred from entering the humid equatorial forest homelands of the Negro race, Hamites treked north via the Nile and across the Sinai. Some remained in the forests of Canaan, unihabited because the herds of Semites starve in a forest. Hamitic Hittites. ancient Egyptians, Cush of Mesopotamian, etc.were the race that created the first civilizations (such as in Canaan and ancient Egypt) in the Fertile Crescent. By sea, they established trading colonies around the Mediterranean. A few may have circumnavigaed Africa.
Glaciers and CroMagnon Japhet barred Aryan entry into Europe until about 11,000 years ago, when the Fertile Crescent ancestors of Aryans began to emigrate into depopulated Europe and southern Asia, where warmer climates and indigenous labor enabled Aryans (Persians, Celts, Germans, Slaves, etc). to build the great Roman, Greek, etc. civilizations.
Some of those which continued East 20,000 years ago (now known as Dravidians) settled the marginal lands of southern India, since galciers covered the Himalayas.
Mongoloids kept them out of the choice forests of the Far East, so some continued north east across the Bering Strait (which was a solid land bridge at that time because of a lower sea level) and down into North America, which at that time was inhabited only by remnants of the Neaderthal race.
My theory alone fully accounts for all the genetic, etc. evidence which has recently been discovered..
Who inhabited Europe before Aryans brought civilization there?
Neanderthals may have left Africa about 300,000 years ago, and were probably driven into America by the CroMagnon invasion of the Middle East and Europe during a relatively warm period which began about 40 thousand years ago. Neanderthals had huge brains but may have been practically mute, for anatomical reasons. Cro-Magnons had probably exterminated the last European Neanderthals by 30,000 years ago.
During almost the entire approximately 300,000 years during which Europe was the exclusive homeland of Neanderthals, mountains were covered by thick sheets of glacial ice caused by cold hundred thousand year long Ice Ages. In order to preserve body heat and survive so many cold millennia, Neanderthals evolved very hairy, massive torsos and necks. etc. They were no taller than Aryans because their legs were short. Such qualities also characterize the non-Neaderthal race which now inhabits southern Europe (referred to as Japhet in the Bible) because its CroMagnon ancestors had to survive millennia of extreme cold and glaciation in Europe during the peak of the last Ice Age (during which CroMagnons emigrated south into the warmest parts of Europe).
How long have Aryans inhabited Europe?
If Aryans are indigenous to the most northern and coldest part of Europe, why do so few of them have hairy, massive torsos, heads and necks, arms and legs, and other adaptations required to survive cold climates, like Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, whose beards sometimes almost cover their entire faces?
Aryans have less body hair and are relatively taller and thinner than most races because the ancestors of Aryans had to survive and evolve far longer in the extremely hot and almost treeless Sahel region of Africa's Sahara. Their light colored skin and lengthy beards and long flowing hair may have helped protect their heads and neck skin from the desert's sun, heat, cold nights, mosquitos, etc., and provided camouflage.
Aryan farmers began to move into Europe from the Fertile Crescent after the last Ice Age, when the weather in Europe became warm enough to grow the crops (wheat, etc.) which enabled Aryan farmers to populate northern Europe before southern European savages reoccupied it. Aryans inhabited the Fertile Crecent from the time they left the Sahara until after the end of the Last Ice Age about 11,000 years ago, so their bodies have never adapted to the cold.
According to the Bible and scientific research, Hamitic Hittites and other Canaanite nations, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, etc.began civilization in the Fertile Crescent. Civilizaton can not survive without trust and security, which was one of the reasons Aryans (Indo-Hittites) emigrated from the dangerous Fertile Crescent into depopulated Eurasian forests after the climate became warm enough for farming there. Since the domestication of the horse about 4500 years ago, vastly outnumbered but well-organized and mobile Semitic and Mongoloid herdsmen have easily conquered and holocausted the greatest Aryan civilizations and nations, as history and the Bible (read Joshua. etc.) demonstrate.
What caused the evolution of dark skin colors?
Why is the skin, etc. of Aryans so light in color? It offered better camouflage in the open grasslands of the Sahara's Sahel. Africa's dark equatorial forests required the ancestors of Negroes and Pygmies to evolve darker skins for camouflage, once humans lost their dark body hair due to the hot climate between the last two Ice Ages, about 130,000 years ago. There are few trees in the grassy savannahs of the Sahel, where the ancestors of Aryans and all other races except Negroes and Pygmies evolved. Until about 500 years ago, the Hamitic ancestors of Aryans were the last of the major races to leave north Africa, so needed dark skin, etc. colors for camouflage less than any other race. Races which have inhabited dark equatorial rain forests outside of Africa for many tens of millennia have skin and hair which so closely resembles that of the Negro race that they are called "Negroid" even though they are no closer kin to Negroes than Aryans.
The ancestors of Australoids, Mongoloids, and CroMagnons (the ancestors of southern Europeans and Semites) settled and for tens of thousands of years lived in the dark forests of Europe and the Far East (Semitic and Mongoloid herdsmen eventually left those forests), so have pigmentation that is darker than Aryans but lighter than Negroes and Pygmies..
Some Hamites which evolved in more forested regions of north eastern Africa, like Ethiopia, have skins as dark as Negroes, but otherwise look and think like Hamites (psychological and other mental characteristics indicate race and ancestry as well as physical characteristics in both human and non-human races).
Why do Cherokees and other "Caucasoid" Indians of south-eastern North America have darker skins than Aryans? Darker skin and hair provided the camouflage Cherokees and other Indians needed to survive in its dark forests they have lived in since they left Africa about 20,000 years ago.